Saturday, May 03, 2008

Nature in the back yard - Vegas style!

If you can ignore the glitz and lights of Las Vegas for a while, and look down instead of up, and of course manage to find your way outside, there are a lot of pretty cool flora and fauna to be seen. My apologies for not knowing what these things are, but here are some pictures. The pigeon if course is identifiable, and the ants are ants, but who knows what species?
Just for the record, I once read that there are more pounds of ants in the world, than there are pounds of all other animals combined? Might be an urban myth, but considering that the area covered by the 4 ants in the picture is probably about 1 inch, I would guess that the section of curbing along the side of the parking lot had more ants than there were cars in all of Las Vegas. The small section in the picture was rather sparsely populated compared to other sections ..... I searched several photos for a section not blurry from the scurrying of the ants. Like cars, there where thousands going north, and equal thousands going south! On the highway, I often wonder what would happen if we just all stayed where we were instead of hurrying off to where the others are coming from?

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