Monday, October 06, 2008

Don't ignore smoke coming out from under your hood!

You might remember my previous entry about the wind turbines on Pine Hill over Cohocton, Atlanta, and Naples. I mentioned something about there not being any smoke plume involved in the generation of electricity from these energy sources. Click here for some pictures on a more auspicious day?

My sister-in-law sent me these pics tonight. She and her friend Buck had gone up on Pine Hill for a closer view of these magnificent things...... she had called me earlier this morning for directions for getting there. While stopped to take some pictures, they became the subject of these pictures. What started as a little smoke from under the hood quickly turned into a raging inferno that consumed pretty much everything except the metal. Even the paint is gone - the car used to be dark green? The several year old Merlefest bumper sticker appears to be gone too.

Thanks to Buck and Anne for these pics! If you see smoke coming out of your car, it is probably a good plan to step away! I guess I'll tag this one "Thank You" because everyone is just fine thank you!

1 comment:

Anne said...

Well, I've always said if I can't be a good example, at least let me serve as a horrible warning....