Monday, December 01, 2008


No pictures today, but I want to update you on the BIG C.

Prostacint scan revealed absolutely nothing. The good part of that is that whatever is in there is very small because this scan is pretty sensitive! The bad part is that with a rising PSA, there is definitely cancer somewhere, and the prostacint scan did not give them a definite location.

The next step is 7 weeks of radiation treatments in that neighborhood where my prostate used to reside..... that being the most likely location of the bad guys!

Currently waiting for approval from my insurance company. Next Thursday, (if approved) they will make some sort of jig that will hold me in the same position for each of the 35 Zaps!

I presume I will start going in for treatments around the 15th? ---- finishing around the 1st of February? Will keep you posted!


Anne said...

you might get a little tattoo, too. Dave did--nothing quite as fancy as the two on his arms, though!

Don Olney said...

That's right --- I heard about the tattoo thing - three of them? But not too sexy I guess -- they said I have to wash carefully so I don't wash them off?

Sequana said...

Well.....not a great way to spend the holidays and the opening of the New Year, is it? But needs to be done, I know.

Once Jan. 20th finally gets here, you'll be almost finished! *S*