Saturday, March 08, 2008

Lisa Rawleigh

Lisa has been our angel for a week shy of 2 years! She kept us organized. She packed and shipped, and kept track of who owed us money. She could do most anything, do it right, and do it quickly...... we learned not to speculate about something we might like to do, because Lisa would probably have it done the next morning! If we weren't really serious????? --- too bad! She was pretty much always cheerful --- always ready with a smile and a hug!

Somebody else found out about her, and she now has a new job! She left us for better pay, benefits, and a shorter comute! (30 minutes instead of 75?) Now why would she do that?

We wish her all the best that life has to offer! That is us in the front row, and Lisa in the back with Jim --- her wild and crazy really cool guy! We're smiling because of the great barbeque we had for lunch - not because she was leaving!

We love you Lisa!

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