Tuesday, December 18, 2007

No pictures for this one!

I'm running out of time to share this in advance of my surgery. Many of you already know, but I want to let you know that I'm having my prostate removed December 20th. They tell me I've got cancer, and removal gives the best long term prognosis. Prostate cancer is very slow growing, but they say that since I am young (yes 62 is young these days) and otherwise pretty healthy, I will probably live longer than the time it would take the cancer to get me if we leave it alone. Radiation is an option, but less reliable for the long term. The surgery will be done with some fancy new technology that will get me home the next day! The Da Vinci robot thing is the latest, and I've run into several guys who've had it --- especially younger guys! I guess I'm still in that category despite feeling a bit old on occasion! I'm going to see if I can slip the surgeon an extra $100 bucks to go on down to the left a bit and fix my arthritic hip while he is in there?

I've got to see my granddaughter grow up, and my neice and nephew become the wonderful adults I know they will be! We've also got a lot of stuff left to make!

They do it with a rather cool, but somewhat scary looking robotic system, kind of like a fancy CNC milling machine with about 7 heads - 5 or 6 quite small holes in me, and I go home the next day, with a week or so of no driving, etc. Christmas with a catheter - whoopee! The surgeon operates the thing from the other side of the room with a 10X 3-D view of my innards and video game like controllers! A lot more reliable and easy to recover from than a 10" incision, and the traditional 1X view. Also the side effects are drastically minimized from what they used to be.

I'd be lying if I didn't admit I'm a bit freaked out, but it sure beats the alternative! As soon as I can get back on the computer, I'll let you know how it went. In the meantime, make sure all your male friends over 50 get their PSA checked, and your female friends check for lumps! Mine was caught early with routine PSA checks, and the biopsy was pretty simple ----a bit weird, but not painful!

Any positive thoughts, prayers, or spells will be greatly appreciated!

Don Olney


Anonymous said...

Prayers coming your way, Don.
We'll look forward to your good report ~ and to seeing you and Cheryl in the New Year!

~MoonSpoon Betty

Anne said...

Oh, c'mon...we want pictures!!!

Mike Hout said...

The top spinning world is with you! I've been thinking about you and praying about you all day (the 20th). I know you are in good hands and will have a terrific recovery. Your friends at topspinning.com are anxious to hear from you. You have the top top stories!