Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another small world story

I've used this picture before. It is an aerial photo of the farm I grew up on. This is a story, not about growing up on this farm, but about a connection about 55 years later. I love the way the universe gives us little stories, and big stories. My dad loves to tell what he calls "small world" stories --- about the ways we are all connected, and the ways we can sort of connect back to ourselves.This man is Brother Timothy Walker. He was there the first time I went to the Highland Oncology Department to get measured, fitted, x-rayed, scanned, and tattooed! He shared stories with me, and put me at ease. He had the appointment right after mine every day, and always had a friendly word and a smile, a handshake, or a hug! I only say "had" because Friday was his last treatment, and I now need to face the rest of these treatments alone, though I now have met others who are just starting, and I have tried to pass on Brother Walker's good cheer!

One day last week, I met a young man named Ethan, who had driven Brother Walker to his appointment. The next day, there was a young woman in the waiting room, and something told me to ask if she was driving Brother Walker? "Yes, I am..... I'm Kelly" I asked where Brother
Walker managed to find all these great young folks to drive him? "The company I work for asked the Cancer Society what we could do to help, and they assigned us to drive Brother Walker to his appointments each day. We take turns." What sort of company has it's employees drive people to cancer treatments on the clock?" "I work for Pictometry" Kelly replied..... and of course I had to ask what they do, because that is a remarkable company! I'll shorten it to the summary that they work with digital aerial imagery.

"Oh. That is cool. There used to be a company in our building named Aerial Surveys, that processed film from pilots all over the country that took aerial photos of places like the one above of our farm when I was a kid."

What a chain! 55 years ago Henry flew over our farm, took a photo, processed it, and dropped by later to sell it to my dad. 25 years later, his business moved into the same building where we ran The Toycrafter. Today their space is our laser room, painting room, and my office. Years later, I get cancer, meet Brother Walker, and meet his young friends who drive him to the doctor, and work at today's version of what Henry did 55 years ago!

Things that make you go "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a good friend who works at Pictometry. I'm seeing her soon - I'll have to ask her about that program. I'm impressed!